Some things about Tedy Afro

37 Responses to “የቴዲ አፍሮ ቃለምልልስ ከጋዜጠኛ ጽዮን ግርማ ጋር”

  1. enatiye Says:

    ቆንጆ ቃለ ምልልስ ነው… ሁልጊዜ ቴዲ የሚስጣቸው ቃለምልልሶች እንደዘፈኖቹ ሁሉ የበሰሉ ናቸው:: ጥላሁንን ንግግር ከቴዲ ተምሮ ቢሞት መልካም ነበር:::

  2. selam Says:

    Hello all of u haters of the current regime,
    Teddy was the one who got suffered a lot.
    He was the one who had lost his freedom for around 2 years
    but if u see his interview it is quit contradictory to what u were excpecting. For sure, those of u who donot know our country but
    simply filled of hate had u been in the jail u would have said lots of things. He did not say bad things not because he has not suffered but
    because he wants to be postive. So try to learn from Teddy at least
    to critice when there is some thing really negative and try to acknowledge when there is a postive thing. Please try to learn from ur beloved Teddy. Try to think for ur country. Donot speak evil things that are not in the ground. Donot hate all of one ethinc group because of the mistake made by small number of people.
    Thank u Teddy for being such a good person and for beliving in God. Because he is the one who can save our country.
    Thank u EMF posting this wonderful interview

  3. wendeyerade Says:

    እንዴት ነው ኢትዮ ፎረም ? ጽዮን ግርማ ማለት የኢትዮ ሪፖርተር ጋዜጠኛዋ አደለችም ? እንዴት እሱዋን አምናችሁ ቴዎድሮስን ቃለ መጠይቅ ላካችሁአት.

  4. Lula Says:

    ቴዲ ልባም ልጅ ነው::ቆንጆ ቃለ ምልልስ ::እግዚአብሄር ከርሱ ጋር ይሁን::

  5. obo biqilaa Says:

    መጀመሪያ አቶ ቴድሮስ እንክዋን ከ እስር ተፈታህ:: በ ቲቭም ሆነ አሁን ተሽቀዳድመው የሚጠይቁህና የጠየቁህን ሰዎች ማንነት ማውቅ አለብህ::ባላጠፋህው እና ቂምን በተሞላ አክዋሃን እንድትታሰር ተደርገሃል:: ደጋፊዎችህ በዚህ እናምናለን::ነገር ግን ቅማል አስበሉኝ ስትላቸው የነበሩትን የማረሚያ ቤቱ ሰዎች ደርስህ :አስተዳደሩ ከላይ ጀምሮ እስከታች ጥሩ ነበሩ ብለህ ለመንግስትን ታዛዥ ነፍሰ ገዳይ ቅልቦች በ አደባባይ ምስክርነት መስጠትህ ትንሽ አሳዝኖናል:: አሁንም አትለሳለስ::አትልፈስፈስ:: ተለሳልሶ አሸርግዶ አርቲስትነት /ጥበበኝነት/ የለም:: አዝማሪነት ግን ሞልትዋል::ራሱ በድሎ ንጹሃንን በግፍ አስሮ ራሱ ደግሞ ከ እስር በመፍታት ጥሩ ነገር እንደሰራ በ ህዝብ ላይ የመንደር ቁማር ለመጫወት የሚቃጣውን መንግስት ተብዬ የሽፍታ መንጋ ለማለት እና ለመስራት የሚፈልገውን በሚገባ ማወቅ አለብን:: በቀብሩ : በ ኮንሰርቶች : በበአላት በ እምነት ቦታዎች እንዲሁም በተለያዩ ቦታዎች ለሚፈጠሩ ሽርጉዶችም ሆነ ውዥንብሮች : መንግስት : ቅንጣት የ ፖለቲካ ትርፍ ለማግኘት ብሎ የማይጫወተው ጨዋታ የለም:: በ ሰፊው ህዝብ መዳፍ የተሰነገውን የጠፋውን ስሙን ለ መመለስ ረጅም ሌባ ሃሰተኛ እጁ የማይገባበት ጉድግዋድ አይኖርም:: አርቲስት ቴዲም በጨረፍታም ቢሆን ሳይነካኩህ የቀረ አይመስለኝም::እና አርቲስት ቴዲ አፍሮ በደስታም በ መከራም ጊዜ ያልተለየህን የህዝብህን የጸና አቅዋም እንዳትለቅ: አደራ እላለሁኝ::

  6. congo Says:

    ይሄ ጉደኛ እስር ቤት አባት አርበኞችም አሉበት!! ለነገሩ ከቃሊቲ ውጪም ያለው ያው እስረኛ ነው:: ወያኔ በጦር የተቆጣጠረው የ18 ዓመት የጦር ምርኮኛ!!!

  7. kebe Says:

    Can you imagine how matured he is as to the depth of his answers in the interview!!! It is a blessing in disguise. This vindictive TPLF gang put him in jail for a crime he never committed, but he came out being very mesmerized in life and equipped with deep philosphical thoughts. I want to see Teddy more in town hall meeting .He can shape up the future of our country , unlike that mass murderer Tamrat Layne who ended up confused after 10 years in prison for “sugar leaking good”. I cant wait for his collection of poems !
    Teddy’s mind is sharper than ever and he might be our MESSIAH

    Teddy - we all love you . We look forward to see you

  8. Ahmed Says:

    “ቴዎድሮስ ባትሆን ኖሮ ማን ትሆን ነበር?”

    “እንደውም በቂ እረፍት ስላደረኩ ሳይብስበት አይቀርም።”

    “…የእስር ቤቱ ሽሮ ትኩስ ሆኖ ሲመጣ ስለሚያምረኝ የራሴን ምግብ ለሰው ሰጥቼ እሱን እበላ ነበር።”

  9. abunu Says:

    በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ :ከበተሰቦችህ ጋር ለመቀላቀል እድል በማግኘትህ የተሰማኝን ልባዊ ደስታዬን ልገልጽልህ እወዳለሁ::በዚህ አጋጣሚም በ’መፈታትህ’ ከተደሰትኩበት በላይ የመታሰርህ ጉዳይ እያሳዘነኝ ያለ ነገር መሆኑን ለመጠቆም እወዳለሁ:: መፈታትህ የአካል ብቻ ሳይሆን የህሊናኅም ጭምር እንዲሆንልህ እመኛለሁ::መላው አድናቂዎችህም ለአካልህ መታሰር የተጨነቁትን ያህል ለአዕምሮህ ነጻነትም እንደሚጨነቁልህ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ:

    ቴድ ! በጣም እወድሃለሁ! በድጋሜ እንኳን ከናትህ ጋር በሰላም አገናኘህ እላለሁ::

  10. Behailu(From Italy) Says:

    በጣም ማስተዋልና ትህትናን የተላበሰ በሳል ቃለ ምልልስ ነው!!!

    እግዚአብሄር እንኳን በሰላም ከቤተሰብህ አገናኘህ!!!
    መልካም የስራ ግዜ!!!

    ብርሃኑ አበሻ

  11. seifu Says:
    ethiopia has been under sieged by weyane TPLF for the last 18 years.
    if we ethiopian don’t wake up. it will contune and our people will suffer.
    The looser between ethiopian-eritrea coopeartion is the tigrain people. Isayas of eritrea believe united sudan, somilia & united ethiopia, not ethnic based politics like weyane TPLF. you only have to listen to the interview he gave to Elias of ethiopian review. weyane fear is that ethiopian will work with eritrean government. that is weyane worest fear.
    Medrek party is a wayne extension, the core economic & military power is tplf, tigrain 1st citzen and other second. yeap. seya, and gebru asert is another coin of TPLF. They(seya&Gebru) are more loyal to tigrain people than ethiopia. real ethiopian oppostion are G7,OLF,ONLF,EPPF & TPDM. other in addis are power hungery man with no value. All Diasporas in the west and elsewhere must attack these barbaric woyanes politically in international arenas. We have to convince the west and others how woyane is lying about everything. They are now under the International microscope lenses. The world knows them with their true character as they are insects champion with manipulation and lies the world for many years to cause troubles against Innocent Ethiopians.

    Thank USA govt. Isolate woyane for the sake of the innocent Ethiopian people. In USA you are working to create a post racial society. In Ethiopia, these bastard woyanes are forcefully implementing Ethnic policy and kilil while taking everything good for themselves by force and illegally. They are the only cause Ethiopians are facing started from poverty and anything else bad and negative we are seeing in the country.
    For them it doesn’t matter what is happening the Ethiopian people but Tigry. They are cooking day and night bad poisons to feed innocent Ethiopians that would allow them to stay in power even one day longer. We must not allow them changing their policies to affect the rest of Ethiopia while relaying of Tigrians that are according to the fact not fake and political motivated all lies woyane censor 4% of the Ethiopian people. They are keeping in secret as the best and last weaponse to create conflicts between the Ethiopian people based on their Ethnic policy.Ethiopians must be smart and all come together only to be against these bastard woyanes and their supporters. The international community must know the woyane evil character and stand with the Ethiopian people against these few woyanes the cause of the entire problem in Ethiopia

  12. seifu Says:
    #1 enemy of ethiopian people are tigrain. Let get them.
    lets get those tigrain bastard who is raping & looting ethiopia. all ethiopian including amahara, oromo, somilia, Gurage, and souther ethiopian must unite against tigrain rats. Destroy the tigrain before they destroy us.The solution to all these would be, to unite, fight our enemies the Woyanes, kick them out of the country.ethiopia has been under sieged by weyane TPLF for the last 18 years.
    if we ethiopian don’t wake up. it will contune and our people will suffer.
    The looser between ethiopian-eritrea coopeartion is the tigrain people. Isayas of eritrea believe united sudan, somilia & united ethiopia, not ethnic based politics like weyane TPLF. you only have to listen to the interview he gave to Elias of ethiopian review. weyane fear is that ethiopian will work with eritrean government. that is weyane worest fear.
    Medrek party is a wayne extension, the core economic & military power is tplf, tigrain 1st citzen and other second. yeap. seya, and gebru asert is another coin of TPLF. They(seya&Gebru) are more loyal to tigrain people than ethiopia. real ethiopian oppostion are G7,OLF,ONLF,EPPF & TPDM. other in addis are power hungery man with no value. All Diasporas in the west and elsewhere must attack these barbaric woyanes politically in international arenas. We have to convince the west and others how woyane is lying about everything. They are now under the International microscope lenses. The world knows them with their true character as they are insects champion with manipulation and lies the world for many years to cause troubles against Innocent Ethiopians.
    Thank USA govt. Isolate woyane for the sake of the innocent Ethiopian people. In USA you are working to create a post racial society. In Ethiopia, these bastard woyanes are forcefully implementing Ethnic policy and kilil while taking everything good for themselves by force and illegally. They are the only cause Ethiopians are facing started from poverty and anything else bad and negative we are seeing in the country.
    For them it doesn’t matter what is happening the Ethiopian people but Tigry. They are cooking day and night bad poisons to feed innocent Ethiopians that would allow them to stay in power even one day longer. We must not allow them changing their policies to affect the rest of Ethiopia while relaying of Tigrians that are according to the fact not fake and political motivated all lies woyane censor 4% of the Ethiopian people. They are keeping in secret as the best and last weaponse to create conflicts between the Ethiopian people based on their Ethnic policy.Ethiopians must be smart and all come together only to be against these bastard woyanes and their supporters. The international community must know the woyane evil character and stand with the Ethiopian people against these few woyanes the cause of the entire problem in Ethiopia

  13. ayelew Says:

  14. Ruta sweden Says:

    በታም እንወድህለን

  15. fike Says:

    እንኩን ደስ ያለን.

    God has blessed Tedi, he is free from hatred. I wish every ethiopian were like him- free from ethnocenterism that wish to build one strong ethiopia

    The overriding problems of Ethiopians is ethnocenterism,fear of change, and greediness to mention a few. I dont know how we are going to change these .
    I know unless the woyane junta is kicked out of 4 killo we cannt,but they will never stop from dismantling Ethiopia:They may go great length to create the Tigray Republic.

    May God instill unity in our mind.
    God bless Ethiopia
    Long live Ethiopia

  16. Aden1 Says:

    Teddy, family, friends and funs:

    Enquan des alachehu. Congratulations

  17. bibi Says:

    አባ ተካ ተመቹኝ !!!!

  18. alex Says:

  19. Amarech Says:

    Selam, Just shut up, Your ethnic group prohibits yo from givin any comment on Tedy’s case. ስም አይገዛ ምን ታደርጊ.

    Obo Bikila,

    he said ”there are some good people in the prison, from guards upto the administrators”. He did not say everyone there is good. And you can not expect him to say any thing negative at this time if you know how ediotic the woyane boys are. They can tell him to turn around and go back to his prison sell for he slightest indicationof any mistreatment. So let’s get real.

  20. abrham Says:

    እግዚአብሔር አንዳስፈታህ የኢትዮጵያን ክ አሰብ ቀላቅሎ ያሳየን::

  21. Ginbot 7 Says:

    ስለ ቴዲ አፍሮ መፈታት የአትላንታው አድማስ ሬዲዮ ላይ ዛሬ ሰማሁ - ያረጉለትንም ቃለመጠይቅ በጥቂቱ (ጥራት ባይኖረውም) ኢንተርኔት ብመጣ ደግሞ ወሬው እሱ ብቻ ነው::

    ተመስገን እንጂ ሌላ ምን ይባላል? .. ይቺ እዚህ ተቀምጦ .. እንዲህ ቢል, እንዲያ ባይል . ምናምን የምትሉት ግን .. ታሳዝናላች ሁ:: ይቺ ጀግንነታሁን ይዛችሁ ምነው አንድ ቀን ሄዳችሁ የማትታገሉት?

    ወያኔ በወሬ አይወድቅም - በትግል እንጂ ! .. ለማንኛውም ስለራሳችን እናወራ! ..ቴዲ አፍሮን ለቀቅ !!

  22. BELAYE Says:






    PLEASE LOOK AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING,29307,1829664_1745839,00.html,29307,1829664_1745838,00.html

    Three children’s bodies lie in a makeshift morgue at the South Oromia clinic.

  23. John Says:

    Ahun aye ayne yemilewin bigabizachihus?

  24. bilihatu Says:

    ”አትልፈስፈስ” ነው ያልከው ቴዲን? በርግጥ ይሄን ብላቴና አላወቅከውም:: ከማንም በላይ ጥንካሬውን ያሳየ ተቻችሎ መኖርን የሰበከ በድፍረትም እምቢ ለጥቅም አልገዛም ያለ ብቸኛ አርቲስት ነው:: ጥንቃቄ የተሞላበትን ንግግሩን አትጥላው ምክንያቱም ከሃገር ቤት ካልወጣ አሁንም እስረኛ ነው:: ስህተት ፈልገው ደግመው እንደሚያስገቡት የብርቱካን ምሳሌ ይበቃናል::

  25. Dagmawi Dawit Says:

    Ato Isayas Atsbaha Abay, Aiga Forum, Owner and Editor
    San Jose, California
    United States of America


    Dear Isayas Abay,

    Save our affiliation to parties/ fronts, we all have roughly “virtuous dreams” for our country. A vast majority of Ethiopians necessitate our politicians to succeed in bringing the much needed development to our country and in that tackling the evils of poverty, disease, illiteracy, dictatorship, repression and war even though the blazing statements thrown out from different aisles of parties/ fronts are unhelpful.

    Alas, it is true and irrefutable fact that few in the opposition circle reject Meles because of his background (ethnicity, region etc.) as there are few from Tigray who buttress him because he is from Tigray and is Tigrean (though his mother was from Eritrea). The concept that the leader is “our race, ours…(in this case from Tigray…Wedi Tigary)” is by far and in all counts the feudalistic, regional and tribal complex, a complex of an exaggerated estimate of ones own value and importance, which surprisingly some in the opposition have also sought to claim and/ or reclaim. This is an outdated mentality and a backward thinking by which the civilized world buried and moved on for better. The perfect example and proof is that the mainstream in the United States have voted overwhelmingly to their first black president, Barack Obama.

    Be that as it may, what I see in you is that more like supporting Meles regardless of whatever he does (because he is from Tigray and is Tigrean) which does not meet your level of maturity. I am mindful and aware of the fact that you are an Engineer with several years of experience working for Cisco (and may be other companies as well), well read, mature, and without doubt can deliver real issues way beyond belittling issues in relation to poverty, healthcare, investment, education, good governance, democracy, human right as well as parties/ fronts with legitimate/ illegitimate agendas. Furthermore, regardless of who we allegedly are ethnically and where we come from, I am not doubting your knowledge on Ethiopian history that most Ethiopians can trace our ancestors to common Tigrean, Amhara, Oromo, Gurage, Afar, Somali, Agnuak great, great, great…grand, grand, grand…mothers and fathers, to those who made us big historically, but in no ways our support sways towards repression over freedom. However, I have a feeling that you kept moving towards the center of ethnic favoritism, hate mongering, false accusation, character assassination and the like.

    1. The most egregious and recent one is your inane and odious statements directed at Obang Metho. You claimed that Obang is being “used by the opposition to falsely present the impression that minorities had a meaningful role within their power structures when in fact, such roles were only reserved for insiders.” This statement of yours is mortifying, immoral and out of character which should not be replicated, and it is your moral duty to recant your statement.

    2. You were also unfolding the good old days of Meles, the time he locked up Seye and his family in prison recently when you accused Seye for joining Medrek. You may say that Meles was victories back then and continues to be one (You continued to call him “the Lion”), but as the saying goes, “one person’s good old days is another person’s bad memory.” Hence, Seye and his supporters may forgive Meles but will not forget the fact that Meles put Seye in prison without the due process of law for the sake of protecting Eritrea’s interest over Tigray and of course Ethiopia. Hence, whatever you do, it is once again your moral duty to leave Seye and his family alone. He has suffered enough and yet joined the vision what has been considered “best for Ethiopia” by the majority of Ethiopians.

    3. Character assassinations, false accusations, and hate mongering against Andargachew Tsige, Dr. Berhanu Nega, Judge Birtukan Mideksa, Hailu Shawel, Hailu Araya, Professor Mesfin Woldemaraim, Seye Abrha, Alemayehu Gebremraim, Obang Metho, Gebru Asrat and others are becoming your daily tasks, and it is getting worse by the day. Your act is immoral and unacceptable in all accounts, and you, Isayas Atsibha Abay, are responsible for using fighting words which would endanger the fabric of our society and country.

    I, as an individual, hereby request you to come back to your reasonable conscience and stop your evil deeds. Nonetheless, please note that I am not in anyways trying to limit your freedom of speech as I don’t have the authorities of Meles Zenawi’s alike; however, I would like to inform you that your statements are “fighting words”-those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. “It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.” Individuals who propagate hate, false accusation, and character assassination like you need to bring their actions to a halt for the sake of our people.

    The chapters we have recorded so far after the 1974 revolution are communist memoirs, manifestos etc where by oppressors and oppressed have been categorized, if not made up. Because Ethiopia did not have a proletariat class, Derg, Meison, EPRP, TPLF etc categorized ethnic Amharas as Oppressors and others as Oppressed, which is totally ridicules. It is totally absurd to cast Amharas as oppressors as they like most other ethnic groups still:

    wear Lamed (sheep or goat skin) with per capita income of less than a quarter a day,
    struggle to cop-up with drought and starvation, and
    farm as their ancestors did 3,000 years ago— with oxen, wooden plows and rainfall.
    Under no circumstance, they fit the likes of oppressors. It is also wrong to portray Ethiopian former rulers in their entirety as Amharas when the unabashed history of Ethiopia had recorded all Ethiopians sharing the responsibility of governing and defending Ethiopia. The idea that Amharas were oppressors and Ethiopian former rulers in our long history were Amharas is simply baloney and an evil-child of Mengistu, Meles, Isayas, Iyassu, Lencho etc and blown out of proportion by people like you. However, this is not to say that there was no oppression; in fact there was oppression all over Ethiopia but it was not targeting selected few.

    The next chapter we write needs to be a chapter which will serve the next generation to coexist peacefully without any regard to ethnicity and religion. In order to become Pro-Meles, I don’t think you need to engage in false accusation, hate mongering, demonizing individuals, character assassination and the like. You may support your dictator as you wish, but I personally beg you to repent for the sins you have committed on issues I mentioned herein above. If you can, join the struggle to democratize Ethiopia, the struggle for unity and sovereignty of Ethiopia, human rights, democracy, rule of law etc.. If not, at least avoid hate and false accusation which will affect the next generation and the generation to follow. Please govern yourself in a Godly way.

    The Week of Pains (the Himamat) is right at the corner, so please repent and think of all Ethiopians who are under siege, dire poverty, in their sick bed, in prison and/or lost their property or life without the due process of law.

    Hope we will see the Dawn of Ethiopia soon.


    Dagmawi Dawit

  26. WEGESHAW Says:

    My personal comment on the release of our outstanding Artist “Tedy Afro” : In a way it is good news that our known and one of the best Ethiopian artists Tewodros Kasahun has been released from prison, we wish him all the best in his future plans!On the other hand individuals like brave ladies like Birtukan Mideksa, who stood for the cause of Ethiopia and ኦትህሌEthiopians are still languishing in a rat infested horrible prisons, over 40,000 Ethiopians whose crime was their good wish to their beloved country and people, in order to live under democratic rule, peace, prosperity and freedom are still suffering in the same and even worse prisons. Most have been tortured, being crippled and brutally murdered for they have used their God given democratic rights to choose by home to be lead and they won in the 2005 “election” prepared by the very brutal regime. The Bedeno massacre, Anuak massacre, Awasa killings, the Gonder….Ogaden region etc. mass cold blooded murders have still not been investigated, not forgetting about our over 100,000 young soldiers killed in the 1998-2000 Ethio-Eritrean war! The Ethiopian land has been sold, the wealth has been accumulated in foreign Banks by her enemies, hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians have been subjected to a low Refugee life around the Globe, Ethiopian history and glorious past her religions and land have been deliberately and systematically destroyed. So, when we see all these, the release of our brother “Tedy Afro” is like a drop of water in an ocean, in terms of our overall happiness. This doesn’t give us a moral ground for celebration, when millions of Ethiopian mothers are crying for their dying starved child because they were prevented from their farm land and development by the brutal regime. In short, let us be happy for our brother “Tedy Afro” like he himself described the situation in our country by one of his beautiful songs “Eyanebu eskiste, lemdual tikeshaye”. What I wanted to stress is that Ethiopia and Ethiopians are in “Lekso mekemet” as we say it in our country. I think Tedy would have agreed with me if I say Wellcome to the bigger prison after leaving the smaller one. My advice for brother Tedy is please leave the country and well-go to Diaspora, where your full freedom will be granted automatically and from there continue to struggle by using you talent as an excellent artist in the defense of our beloved mother land we already know you adore the best! Let God help you our beloved true son and excellent artist of mother Ethiopia!
    Long live Ethiopia and Ethiopia should prevail!

  27. yosiph Says:
    we, ethiopian must free ourself from tigrains
    by all meansThe Tigrayans are backbone of his ethnofascistic rule ethiopia.we must fight them by all means

  28. wolde kashaun Says:

    Great to hear him he has pride above to stand up to misery kangroo court and charrges against him, he is Ethiopian above all GE-GNA Tewdros
    what ever they do to Teddy and millions of US Ethiopians one day soon we will not forgive them No Mercy to the ethnic JUNTA and the millions they are stealing ,after all Ethiopia wealth is the Pride Like Teddy Afro!!his music is not just music it has been Youth Movement to Change Free the Ethiopian People**** from political highway robery

  29. yasteseryal Says:

    He is ahead of his time….. Teddy ur the best! REMAIN BLESSED!!!!

  30. Getu Unitedkingdom Says Says:


  31. zemenu Says:

    ለአንድ አዝማሪ አንዲህ መንገብገብና አገር ሁሉ መታመስ ምን አምጣው? በጣም በዛ በልክ አድርጉት::

  32. Belew Says:

    “…የእስር ቤቱ ሽሮ ትኩስ ሆኖ ሲመጣ ስለሚያምረኝ የራሴን ምግብ ለሰው ሰጥቼ እሱን እበላ ነበር።”

    እስር ቤት ጥሩ ጊዜ የሚታለፍበት: የእናትን እጅ የሚያስንቅ ትኩስ ሽሮ የሚቀርብበት መሆኑ አስገራሚ ነዉ:: 6 ሚሊዮን ሕዝብ በርሐብ ከሚሰቃይ እሰሩኝ ቢል አይሻልም ትላላችሁ! ብርቱካንስ እንደ ቴዲ ጥሩ ጊዜ እያሳለፍች ይሆን??

    “የኔ ንግግር ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ነው። የምወጣበትን ቀን የሚያዘጋጀውም እግዚአብሔር ነው። የምቆይበትንም ጊዜ የሚወስነው እግዚአብሔር ነው። ”

    እንዲታሰር ያደረገዉስ እግዚአብሔር ይሆን? የሌሎቹን እስረኞች መለቀቂያ ጊዜ እግዚአብሔር ለምን እሩቅ አደረገዉ?? ወ.ዘ.ተ.

    እግዚአብሔርን እዚህ ዉስጥ ባናስገባዉ መልካም ነበር:: በሰው ልጅ የሕይወት ዘመን መውደቅና መነሳት ያለ ስለሆነ የራሳችንን ጥረትና ድክመት በ “እግዚአብሔር” ስም ባናሽሞነሙነዉ መልካም ነዉ::

    ቴዲ የታሰራዉ በህዉሓት ትእዛዝ ነዉ:: የተፈታዉም በህዉሓት ፍቃድ ነዉ::

  33. Tokichaw Says:

    I would like to say congradulation to Teddy Afro for being released from prison. Please guys don’t mix politics in every aspect like spice. It is better don’t politicized everything. The interview is very smart pls keep it up Teddy.

  34. kebede Says:

    ጥንካራ አርቲስት !!!!!!!!

  35. Mohammed Says:

    Obo Biqila how do you come to call teddy lifisfis is that how you view things? if so you have a radical negative approach which is sad as for me it was very matured and shows his strong character for all for his supporters as also for haters

    god bless this young dynamic

  36. ቱርኪ Says:

    እኔ በምከተለው ሃይማኖት አዝማሪዎች እንደ ወንጀለኛ ነው የሚታዩት ምክንያቱም እንደ ሰይጣን ዳንኪራ እየረገጡ ፈጣሪን ማምለክ ፌዝ ስለሆነ

  37. buche Says:

    ብራቮ ቴዲ


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